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Steering Progress Through Challenges: NCFDC's Economic Contributions to South Simcoe in 2022-2023

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During the fiscal year April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023, Nottawasaga Community Futures Community Development Corporation (NCFDC) showed remarkable resilience and adaptability in its commitment to driving community economic development in South Simcoe.

In partnership with municipal, provincial and federal governments and community organizations, NCFDC established strategic projects to provide economic opportunities for residents and businesses. The organization implemented 20 highly successful initiatives, creating and maintaining over 170 jobs, providing over 500 in-depth consulting sessions to over 260 businesses, and offering $790,628 in loans from our Community Investment Fund to 18 local businesses.

Furthermore, NCFDC organized 13 Business Support Workshops during this period, partnering closely with a range of community entities such as the County of Simcoe and the Municipalities of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Innisfil, and New Tecumseth. Through its enduring partnership with the PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise, NCFDC remained committed to providing specialized loan offerings specifically designed to support women entrepreneurs.

NCFDC also organized special events like Small Business Week and the AgKnowledge Forum, focused on exploring the potential of Agri-tourism. These events were platforms for networking and knowledge sharing. A significant development during this period was the initiation of the Simcoe County Cybersecurity CDAP Top-Up Grant, which provides eligible businesses across Simcoe County with the chance to completely fund their cybersecurity digital adoption plan.

NCFDC continued to make strides in inclusivity and diversity through its association with Hire for Talent, a national awareness campaign aimed at increasing employer confidence in hiring people with disabilities. This initiative seeks to foster workplace inclusion and positively impact culture, morale, staff retention, safety, and innovation. NCFDC also partnered with Camphill Communities Ontario for the Maple Syrup Social Enterprise, a program that promotes entrepreneurship among adults with disabilities.

As part of its agricultural action plan, NCFDC held the 2023 AgKnowledge Forum at the Windrush Estate Winery in Hockley Valley. With over 90 participants, the forum brought together service providers and Agri-Tourism business owners to share knowledge and best practices.

Further, NCFDC facilitated filming in South Simcoe on behalf of local municipalities, coordinating with film production companies and stakeholders. This resulted in five film shoots, seven filming days and over $19,000 worth of community impact.

The South Simcoe Streams Network (SSSN) marked its fifteenth year of operation, planting over 60,000 native trees and shrubs along local waterways and engaging in strategic invasive species control and floodplain and bank stabilization works. The program had a resurgence in 2022, with over 700 participants joining in its efforts.

Through these and other initiatives, NCFDC demonstrated its commitment to supporting local communities, fostering entrepreneurship, and contributing to the development of a resilient and sustainable local economy. Looking ahead to the next fiscal year, the organization remains dedicated to expanding its reach and impact, enhancing its digital infrastructure, and investing in its staff and volunteers to better serve the South Simcoe community.

For more information contact:

Martin Kuzma, CEO Nottawasaga Futures



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