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Local Residents

You Ought to be in Pictures!

Interested in being part of the film and television industry in our own backyard?  You can add your home, property, business or farm to Ontario Creates Location Library.  The Ontario Locations Library accepts listing submissions from property owners interested in making their locations available for filming.  There is no cost associated with being listed and the Locations Library team is always available to assist via

Hosting a production can be an exciting and enjoyable experience, but it is important to make sure you have all the facts before entering into any agreement, so that in the end it is a great experience for both the production and you. Contact the Film Liaison for suggestions and assistance on working with a production company.

Our office is always interested in local residents and businesses willing to provide support and services to the film and television productions and crews, from catering, accommodations, trades people, to specialized businesses in sound, special effects, and film, to people interested in being cast as extras.

Contact the Film Liaison by email or phone (705) 502-0311.