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Activities and Projects

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

Funding: Federal Economic Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev), NCFDC, NCEDC, NT Temps Inc.

Goals: To deliver Regional Relief and Recovery Funding (RRRF) and Business Services.

Objectives: Provide liquidity support to South Simcoe businesses and not for profit organizations affected by the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Status: Nottawasaga Community Futures Development Corporation (NCFDC) received $2,199,888.67 in funding to support businesses, social enterprises, and eligible not-for-profit corporations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic who were unable to access existing federal relief measures.  Eligible applicants were able to apply for up to $60,000 in conditionally non repayable loans.  NCFDC also received $75,000 for Business Services.


Activity for April 1, 2020 –October 31, 2021  


Number of loans disbursed


Value of loans disbursed


Number of jobs created and maintained


Value of Business Services funds


Business Service Delivery – SMEs & NFPs