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Activities and Projects

Community Investment Loan Fund


Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev), NCFDC, NCEDC, NT Temps Inc.


To deliver a community investment fund and related services


Disburse loans to businesses in South Simcoe that are unable to procure funds from traditional sources


The South Simcoe Investment Review Committee continues to actively review South Simcoe loan applications. FedDev originally provided $2,648,000 in capital.  As of March 31, 2024, $12,755,743 has been disbursed to businesses in South Simcoe. To date, $14,829,968 has been leveraged from the owners and other traditional financial services for South Simcoe businesses due to the business counselling and/or investment loans provided. Since inception, 5,073 jobs have been created or maintained due to business counselling and/or investment loan activity.


Activity for April 1, 2023 –March 31, 2024  


Number of loans disbursed


Value of loans disbursed

$ 904,000

Value of funds leveraged

$ 615,519

Active portfolio ratio


Number of jobs created and maintained
