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Privacy Policy (NT Temps Inc.)

Table of Contents


1.0 Purpose of Privacy Policy
  1.1 The Ten Priciples of PIPEDA Summarized
  1.2 Purposes of Collecting Personal Information
2.0 When Do We Disclose Personal Information and to Whom?
3.0 Disclosure And Transfer of Personal Information
4.0 How Long Is Your Information Retained?
5.0 Accuracy
6.0 How Do We Keep Your Personal Information Secure?
7.0 How Can You Access Your Personal Information and Check Its Accuracy?
8.0 Complaints/Recourse
9.0 Contact Us With Any Questions or Concerns
10.0 Ammendments To NT Temps Inc.'s Privacy Policies


1.0 Purpose of NT Temps Inc. Privacy Policy

NT Temps Inc. respects the privacy of individuals in all aspects of their business operations. We have a longstanding commitment to protecting the personal information of job seekers when providing services to our clients. Your personal information is only collected, used and disclosed by NT Temps Inc. in accordance with its privacy policy.

This privacy policy has been developed to comply with Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA "). PIPEDA sets out rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in the course of commercial activity as defined in the Act.

1.1 The Ten Principles Of PIPEDA Summarized

The ten Principles of PIPEDA that form the basis of this Privacy Policy are as follows:

  1. Accountability: organizations are accountable for the personal information they collect, use, retain and disclose in the course of their commercial activities, including, but not limited to, the appointment of a Chief Privacy Officer;
  2. Identifying Purposes: organizations are to explain the purposes for which information is being used at the time of collection and can only be used for those purposes;
  3. Consent: organizations must obtain an individual's express or implied consent when they collect, use or disclose the individual's personal information;
  4. Limiting Collection: the collection of personal information must be limited to only the amount and type that is reasonably necessary for the identified purposes;
  5. Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention: personal information must be used for only the identified purposes, and must not be disclosed to the third parties unless the individual consents to the alternative use or disclosure;
  6. Accuracy: organizations are required to keep personal information in active files accurate and up-to-date;
  7. Safeguards: organizations are to use physical, organizational and technological safeguards to protect personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure;
  8. Openness: organizations must inform their clients and train their employees about their privacy policies and procedures;
  9. Individual Access: an individual has a right to access personal information held by an organization and to challenge its accuracy if need be, and
  10. Provide Recourse: organizations are to inform clients and employees of how to bring a request for access, or complaint, to the Chief Privacy Officer, and to respond promptly to a request or complaint by the individual.

This Privacy Policy applies to NT Temps Inc.'s Board of Directors, members, employees and contracted employees. As well, NT Temps Inc. ensures that all third party service providers sign confidentiality agreements prior to any transfer of an individual's personal information in the course of providing temporary staffing services.

1.2 Purposes of Collecting Personal Information

Personal information is collected in order for NT Temps Inc. to provide you with the best possible service. In addition to your contact details, your resume, and a description of the type of work you are looking for, your file may include the following:

  • Our interview notes.
  • Information obtained through reference and background checks.
  • Educational records.
  • Reference letters.
  • Skill testing results.
  • Information required to provide payroll services, including banking details, tax deductions and vacation allowances.

We use your information to:

  • Understand your qualifications, needs and preference.
  • Find the best job opportunities for you that will give you the job satisfaction you are looking for.
  • Fulfill our client's requests for information about job candidates.
  • Provide you with appropriate training or career transition services.
  • Assess and develop our business and operations to better service job seekers and our clients.
  • Provide payroll and other HR functions to you, for temporary staffing arrangements.

NT Temps Inc. never collects more personal information than is needed to fulfill these purposes. Unless requested by the client and consented to by the job seeker. The individual is the main source of information but NT Temps Inc. will ask to obtain information directly form a third source where the individual does not have the required information.


2.0 When Do We Disclose Personal Information and to Whom?

Your personal information is never traded, sold or leased by us to any external companies. Your information is only disclosed for NT Temps Inc.'s legitimate business purposes or as required to meet legal and regulatory requirements, for example to comply with a court order.

In the normal course of business, we disclose your personal information to our clients when we feel there is a potential for a job placement. As a job seeker, you are relying on us to share such information. We only provide your information to employers if there is a job opening that is well-suited for you, and we only provide information required and requested to make an informed decision regarding a job candidate.


3.0 Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Information

Personal information will be disclosed to only those NT Temps Inc. employees that need to know the information for the purposes of their work or making an assessment as to the individual's eligibility for a temporary placement.

Personal information will be disclosed to third parties with the individual's knowledge and consent.

PIPEDA permits NT Temps Inc. to disclose personal information to third parties, without an individual's knowledge and consent, to:

  • A lawyer representing NT Temps Inc.;
  • Comply with subpoena, a warrant or an order made by a court or other body with appropriate jurisdiction;
  • A law enforcement agency in the process of a civil or criminal investigation; or
  • As required by law.

PIPEDA permits NT Temps Inc. to transfer personal information to a third party, without the individual's knowledge or consent, if the transfer is simply for processing purposes and the third party only uses the information for the purposes for which it was transferred. NT Temps Inc. will ensure, by contractual or other means that the third party protects the information and uses it only for the purposes for which it was transferred.


4.0 How Long Is Your Information Retained?

We retain your information as long as you are using our placement services, or longer if required by law. For temporary workers, that means we retain all your information as long as you remain on our payroll, and for seven years thereafter.


5.0 Accuracy

NT Temps Inc. endeavors to ensure that any personal information provided by the individual in his or her active file(s) is accurate, current and complete as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information has been collected, used, retained and disclosed. Individuals are requested to notify NT Temps Inc. of any change in personal information.

Information contained in inactive files is not updated.


6.0 How Do We Keep Your Personal Information Secure?

We have staff procedures and policies in place to ensure that your personal information, in both paper and electronic format, are secure. For example, we require the following:

NT Temps Inc. employees have security access to enter the premises, and all others are required to sign in and be escorted. Filing cabinets remain locked at all times. Access to electronic and paper files is limited on a need-to-know basis depending on job function. Password selection criteria and expiry make unauthorized access more difficult. Staff training on the importance of privacy and security is undertaken regularly.

If you provide personal information to us via unencrypted e-mail you should be aware of the inherent risks of interception over which we have no control.


7.0 How Can You Access Your Personal Information and Check Its Accuracy?

NT Temps Inc. relies on the information provided by you, as well as third parties such as those providing references or educational institutions. You may at any time make a written request for access to your personal information. Upon verification of the person's identity, we provide you with a copy of the personal information we have on file.

NT Temps Inc. strives to maintain accurate records of your personal information, however this cannot be achieved without your help. In this ongoing effort, we ask you to provide us with your most up to date information. Write to the address below and let us know of any personal information you have given us in the past that is incomplete, inaccurate, or no longer relevant. It will be our pleasure to make appropriate modifications.


8.0 Complaints/Recourse

If an individual has a concern about NT Temps Inc.'s personal information handling practices, a complaint, in writing, may be directed to the NT Temps Inc.'s Chief Privacy Officer.

Upon verification of the individual's identity, NT Temps Inc.'s Chief Privacy Officer will act promptly to investigate the complaint and provide a written report of the investigation's findings to the individual.

Where NT Temps Inc.'s Chief Privacy Officer makes a determination that the individual's complaint is well founded, the Chief Privacy Officer will take the necessary steps to correct the offending information handling practice and/or revise NT Temps Inc.'s privacy policies and procedures.

Where NT Temps Inc.'s Chief Privacy Officer determines that the individual's complaint is not Well founded, the individual will be notified in writing.

If the individual is dissatisfied with the finding and corresponding action taken by NT Temps Inc.'s Chief Privacy Officer, the individual may bring a complaint to the Federal Privacy Commissioner at the address below:

The Privacy Commissioner of Canada
112 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1H3
Tel 1-800-282-1376


9.0 Contact Us With Any Questions or Concerns

NT Temps Inc. takes full responsibility for the management and confidentiality of the personal information it collects. If you have any concerns about this policy, or feel that NT Temps Inc. is not abiding by it, please write to:

Chief Privacy Officer
NT Temps Inc.
PO Box 184
Alliston ON L9R 1V5


10.0 Amendment To NT Temps Inc.'s Privacy Policies

This NT Temps Inc.'s Privacy Policy is in effect April 13, 2004 and is retroactive to January 1, 2004. This policy is subject to amendment in response to developments in the privacy legislation. The Chief Privacy Officer will review and revise the Privacy Policy from time to time as required by changes in privacy law. Notification of any changes in the Privacy Policy will be posted on NT Temps Inc.'s website, as well as in NT Temps Inc.'s Privacy Statement. Any changes in the Privacy Policy will apply to personal information collected from the date of the posting of the revised Privacy Policy on NT Temps Inc.'s website: